市政绿化铸铁篦子 球墨铸铁树池篦子 树池钢格板
  • 所在区域:河北沧州泊头市
  • 经营性质:有限责任公司
  • 企业类型:生产加工
  • 注册地:泊头市王武镇杨庄村
  • 主营产品:球墨铸件,井盖板,铸铁篦子
  • 注册资金:人民币 500 - 1000 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名已认证
    “市政绿化铸铁篦子 球墨铸铁树池篦子 树池钢格板”详细信息
产品规格: 定制 产品数量: 10000.00 套
包装说明: 常规 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 199 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-205017223.html
公司编号: 16899066 更新时间: 2024-04-21 20:23:11
加工方式: 浇铸 加工设备数量: 10
日加工能力: 1000 生产线数量: 3


      市政绿化铸铁篦子 球墨铸铁树池篦子 树池钢格板 

      Municipal greening cast iron grate ductile iron tree pool grate tree pool steel grating

     大家一定注意到,在城市街道两侧便道上树根周围,有一圈网格状的物质,这就是树池篦子,又名护树板、树围子、格栅树池盖板、树池钢格板等,树池篦子是城市建设中不可或缺的一种物品,为创建园林城市的建设做出了巨大的贡献。 树池篦子若按材质分类,树篦子可以分为玻璃钢树池格栅,球墨铸铁树篦子,不锈钢树围子,耐候钢工艺树篦子等,我们在使用树篦子时首先要考虑的就是树篦子的尺寸,不同大小的树坑需要选择不同的尺寸。

  You must have noticed that there is a circle of grid like material around the tree roots on the sidewalks on both sides of the urban streets, which is the tree pool grate, also known as tree protection board, tree enclosure, grid tree pool cover plate, tree pool steel grating, etc. the tree pool grate is an indispensable item in urban construction and has made a great contribution to the construction of a garden city. According to material classification, tree grates can be divided into FRP tree grates, ductile iron tree grates, stainless steel tree enclosures, weathering steel process tree grates, etc. when using tree grates, we should first consider the size of the tree grates. Different sizes of tree pits need to be selected.

     球墨铸铁树池篦子的优势特点 1——树篦子自重轻,可以大大的减少基础支撑,从而减少了工程的材料成本。2——其切割安装简便,*动火及大型起吊设备,仅需少量人工,使得安装成本也大为降低。剪除掉树冠内不必要的生长衰弱枝、病枝及下垂枝;对于强的萌生枝,则应尽量保留,修剪量控制在20%~33%。3——当剪切口直径大于2cm时涂抹果腐康保护剂。从不同的方面对大气中的污染物进行吸收,达到净化空气的作用,调节着平衡。4——绿色植物的作用不仅仅在于环境保护,还作用在生活的方方面面,在绿色环境保护中,可以增加新陈代谢,同时绿色设计的使用也为城市增添了一抹亮色,适应社会的发展。

  You must have noticed that there is a circle of grid like material around the tree roots on the sidewalks on both sides of the urban streets, which is the tree pool grate, also known as tree protection board, tree enclosure, grid tree pool cover plate, tree pool steel grating, etc. the tree pool grate is an indispensable item in urban construction and has made a great contribution to the construction of a garden city. According to material classification, tree grates can be divided into FRP tree grates, ductile iron tree grates, stainless steel tree enclosures, weathering steel process tree grates, etc. when using tree grates, we should first consider the size of the tree grates. Different sizes of tree pits need to be selected.

欢迎来到泊头市东升宏运铸造有限责任公司网站,我公司位于西煤东运新通道的出海口和冀中南、鲁西北以及晋陕和内蒙古等西部地区对外开放的桥头堡—沧州市。 具体地址是河北沧州泊头市泊头市王武镇杨庄村,负责人是庞洪岐。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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  • 姜梅(主任)





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