  • 所在区域:上海嘉定嘉定
  • 经营性质:有限责任公司
  • 企业类型:生产加工
  • 注册地:上海
  • 主营产品:PP免处理油墨
  • 注册资金:人民币 100 万元以下
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 1千克 产品数量: 1000.00 千克
包装说明: 按订单 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 502 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-29169794.html


概述:【一,油墨使用技术参考】单组份免烤丝网印刷油墨是为是为了不具备烘烤条件而又不用外加固化剂而研制的单组份高性能油墨。油墨使用方便,不需加固化剂,不需烘烤,即可获得优异的附着力。具有平光、附着力佳、耐冲压、耐酒精等特点。1.适用范围:铁、铝、合金、玻璃、陶瓷、电镀、石材、阳极氧化铝表面及烤 (喷)漆面等2.稀释剂:用本公司S-03稀释剂3.固化剂:可添加TA-9154硬化剂10%增加附着力,提高墨膜硬度。4.胶刮硬度: 70-80度为宜,另外角度在60-70度为较佳。5.网目:适合于100-420网目印刷6.用量:用300目网版每公斤约可印30平方米.7.干燥方法: TA系列是属于自然挥发干燥的油墨,墨层表干时间5-10分钟:实干时间在24小时以内. 48小时后达到较佳性能 1.或添加TA-9154硬化剂10%可增加附着力,提高墨膜硬度。2.烤箱90℃烘烤20分钟佳能更优。 【二,测试方法(完全干燥后)】1、划百格后用3M胶纸剥离较少3次以上,无掉墨现象.2、用浸有纯度99%的酒精的棉球,500G力在油墨表面来回擦拭200次无脱色。 【三、油墨使用注意事】 1.试印确认符合要求后再批量生产。 2.做好被印物的表面清除油脂及杂质工作,以促进附着效果。 3.需要套色时,应在前颜色表干或硬干后再进行套色工作。 4.附着力、硬度、耐酸性、耐油性、耐去渍油性、抗划伤性、耐磨性等性能的检测,需要墨层完全固化后方可检测。 5.未经允许情况下,不得将本系列油墨与其它类型油墨混用及配色。 6.添加固化剂后的使用时限:加入固化剂后的油墨使用时间为4~6小时,环境温度越高使用时间越短,剩余油墨不可回收。 【四、油墨使用安全规则】 1、油墨,稀释剂使用及储存时严禁烟火。 2、使用时注意施工场所的通风状况良好。 3、尽量避免皮肤直接接触。 4、本品不慎溅入口、鼻、眼、耳内,应用大量水清洗或直接求助医生。 5、对本品过敏者,使用前应涂覆一层皮肤扶肤膏或戴不渗透性手套。
The rice of glass screen printing UV ink
[a, the use of ink technology reference] one component bake screen printing ink is the development of one component high performance ink in order not to have the baking condition without adding curing agent. The ink is easy to use, without curing agent, and does not need to bake, can obtain excellent adhesion. Having a flat, good adhesion, impact resistance, alcohol resistance characteristics. 1 scope of application: iron, aluminum, alloy, glass, ceramics, electroplating, stone, anodic alumina surface and baked (spray paint thinner: 2) with the company S-03 diluent 3 curing agent: can add TA-9154 hardening agent 10% increase adhesion, improve the ink film hardness. 4 squeegee hardness: 70-80 degrees is appropriate, the other angle in 60-70 degrees is the best. 5 mesh: suitable for 100-420 screen printing 6 dosage: use 300 mesh screen can be printed per kilogram of about 30 square metres.7. drying method: TA series are natural volatile drying inks, ink layer surface drying time of 5-10 minutes: work time within 24 hours. After 48 hours to achieve the best performance of 1 or add TA-9154 hardening agent 10% can increase the adhesion, improve the ink film hardness. 2 90 DEG C oven and bake for 20 minutes Canon better. [two, test methods (completely dry)] 1, row after 100 lattice with 3M adhesive tape stripping at least 3 times above, no off the phenomenon of ink.2, impregnated with a purity of 99% alcohol cotton ball, 500G force in ink surface wipe 200 times back and forth without bleaching. [three, 1] ink using the notice Shiyin confirmed to meet the requirements after mass production. 2 do a good job by print surface to remove grease and impurities, in order to promote the adhesion effect. 3 need to register, should be in before the color table dry or hard after the register work. Detection of 4 adhesion, hardness, acid resistance, oil resistance, resistance to stains oily, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and other properties, need the ink layer completely cured before detection. 5 without permission, may not use the series of ink and other types of ink mixing and matching. 6 after the addition of curing agents use time limit: the curing agent is added after the ink used for 4~6 hours, the higher the ambient temperature using the shorter the time, the residual ink not recycling. [four, ink using safety rules] 1, ink, fireworks is strictly prohibited the use of thinner and storage. 2, use note the construction site of the good ventilation conditions. 3, try to avoid direct contact with skin. 4, this product is inadvertently splashed entrance, nose, eyes, ears, use a large number of water washing or direct help doctor. 5, those who are allergic to this product, coated with a layer of skin and skin creams or wearing impermeable gloves before use.

欢迎来到上海凯贤印刷科技有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海嘉定嘉定上海市嘉定区沪宜公路6106号,负责人是赵菁。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。



  • 高利华(经理)







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