道闸费用 智能道闸 现场安装
  • 所在区域:广东中山南区
  • 经营性质:
  • 企业类型:
  • 注册地:
  • 主营产品:车牌识别系统,人行通道,人脸识别系统
  • 注册资金:
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
    “道闸费用 智能道闸 现场安装”详细信息
产品规格: 不限 产品数量: 9999.00 台
包装说明: 不限 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 239 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-140577729.html



5: Our travel control system adopts specific institution combined our company's code positioning system with the above-mentioned self-encoding converter motor and bans existing mechanical, photoelectric, electromagnetic travel switch. It can automatically learn memory and repair and reduce components which are needed to be regulated, maintained and also possible damaged can be reduced.
Torque balancing mechanism adopts a unique balance mechanism which only uses one spring to balance easily horizontal railing of 1-8- meter length or joint crank railing.
7: electrical control unit uses the latest American microchip, the high-reliability, the high-integration, core control system. Besides ten major systems, the integrated infrared coding controller, airbag sensor controller, torque sensor, infrared correlation controller, ground induction controller, whole solid-state click-to-drive controller, auto gate movement position controller, power supply system, high frequency tuner and network controller, it also includes five kinds of work modes, manual / semi automatic / automatic / parking logic / unattended parking logic. And electrical control unit can download, storage or upload address, operating mode, status of equipments and other information. On the interface, it can realize the manual button control, wireless remote control, computer network control simultaneously. And it is very convenient to link with charge system.
8: ground induction controller ( optimal) (1, ) when there are vehicles under the lever, auto gate will not response if incorrect operation of releasing level is executed (2, ) the brake lever will rise automatically if there are vehicles enter the ground induction detection range in the closing process. (3,) under certain working modes, it can automatically control auto gate to lift or drop the lever.
9: infrared detector (optional) (1、) if there are nonmetal objects under the brake lever, auto gate will not response even human element operation. (2、) in process of dropping lever, the brake lever will rise automatically if there is any object blocking the infrared beam.
10: safe air chamber (optimal)
In the decliner process of the brake lever, at the moment before it touches vehicles, safe air chamber will firstly touch vehicles body, then detection system will automatically operate, the brake lever will immediately lift.
11Due to accidental factors (such as forced collision) unknown objects block the lever, torque sensor can detect change of the resistance in 1/10second. And brake lever will start rebound mechanism automatically and lift the lever after stopping rapidly.
12: infrared coded position sensing system: due to accidental factors, brake lever is not in the programmed position, detector will detect it in 1/10 second, the system will start
Overtime closing system brake lever : when it comes to overtime. the whole process from start to stop must be limited in the scheduled time (2-7 seconds) made by protecting program. Otherwise, timing system will cut off power of motor forceful.
14: limit mechanism which is on the movement of mechanical limit device can timely control any mechanical movement caused by any reason.
15: anticollision tape
when all the protection measures failed, it could protect objects under lever physically ( such as vehicles, pedestrians ) and itself .
16:自动脱口铰链:(选配)当闸杆已经关闭时遭遇车辆强行冲撞, 此装置可解脱闸杆以保护闸机不受损伤。
16: automatic blurt-out hinge ( optional): when brake lever is closed, forced collision from vehicle may appear. The device can release brake lever to protect the auto gate.

2) 箱用优质的A3钢板,经过磷化防锈处理,外观采用静电喷涂,防锈力强,外观颜色保留时间长。
3) 平行力矩装置,起、降杆动作平稳。
4) 光电感应自动限位装置,无触点升、降杆自动限位功能。
5) 微电脑程序化数据处理系统,轻触开、关式数字电路控制,特设过流、过载、过热保护功能。
6) 地面感应式防碰车功能:当车辆停在闸杆底时,通过地面感应的作用(预埋地感器)控制闸杆不下降,从而具备防砸的功能。(选装)


欢迎来到中山市百航智能设备有限公司网站,我公司位于一代伟人孙中山先生的故乡,中国着名侨乡—中山市。 具体地址是广东中山南区银潭二路银銮阁C座10~11号商铺,联系人是李小姐。
主要经营音响系统:卡拉OK点歌系统、家庭影院、会议室音响设备、功放、音箱等; 智能系统:车牌识别停车场管理系统、人行通道管理系统、人脸识别系统、门禁系统、闭路监控系统等; 机电产品:电动伸缩门、道闸等; 钢结构产品:保安亭、活动板房; 交通设施:热溶标线、停车场设施、电动车位锁、防撞胶、减速带、道路标志牌、路标、定位器、道路及停车场方案设计等; 室内外装饰工程;。

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  • 李小姐(经理)



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