  • 所在区域:江苏南京浦口区
  • 经营性质:外商独资企业
  • 企业类型:经销批发
  • 注册地:江苏省南京市浦口区浦泗路
  • 主营产品:锻造铝合金车轮,安全,锻造铝合金卡车车轮
  • 注册资金:人民币 100 - 250 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 19*8.5-19*9.5 产品数量: 1.00 个
包装说明: 纸箱 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 488 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-143447928.html
公司编号: 14548210 更新时间: 2022-11-09 09:34:06
颜色: 改装 尺寸: 19*8.5-19*9.5
加工定制: 锻造加工 类型: 汽车改装
材质: 铝合金 系列: 锻造
品牌: 库罗德 长度: 19
宽幅: 8.5-9.5 款式: 个性化
色号: 改装 适用地方: 都可以
有可授权品牌: 南京库罗德


Brand Advantages 
库罗德 COLORDO 是北美车轮设计大师Fu LinMan先生亲自设计命名的,设计于2012年元月.Fu LinMan先生为轮型良好**设计师,其输出的多个车轮造型图被多家车轮企业争相竞购; 
COLORDO was designed and named by Mr. Fu linMan, a famous North American wheel designer. OLORDO is designed in January 2012. As a golden wheel designer, many wheels blueprint images designed by Mr. Fu LinMan have bid by many wheel companies.

少小离家**还乡音无改鬓毛衰;是Fu LinMan 先生的真实写照,美籍华人,祖籍中国南京,2000年就开始协助国内多家车轮企业进行轮型设计工作,30余年的潜心磨砺,其设计理念通古迄今,设计风格简约时尚,受改装业界人士的亲睐!
“I left home when a mere stripling, and returned in ole age. My native accents remained unchanged, but my ear-lock had grown thin.” is the true picture of Mr. Fu LinMan, a Chinese-American. His ancestry is NanJing, China. n 2000, he started assisting many domestic wheel industries to design wheels. After 30 years at study of wheel design, his design philosophy combines ancient and modern perfectly, his design style is simple and fashionable. Therefore, his design was liked by people who like vehicles refits.

Technical Advantages

库罗德COLORDO的设计*人Fu LinMan先生,毕生精力致力于车轮轮型的研究开发;
As a wheel technology export enterprise, COLORDO has absolute authority on wheel design.
Mr. Fu LinMan, the lead designer of COLORDO, devoted himself to study and develop wheel type.

对于轮辋与轮辐的结合角度,结合面积;轮辋每个部位的薄厚程度与轮辐宽窄数量的微妙关系;机械性能、力学分析,车轮运动与车辆形成的共振影响,车轮与车辆的承载关系,载簧质量问题,无不是Fu LinMan先生研究的重点;
About the binding angles of rim and wheel arm, combination area; the subtle relationsbetween every part’s thickness degree of rim and the width and number of wheel arm.
the mechanical properties and analysis, resonance formed by wheels movement and vehicles, bearing capacity relationship between wheels and vehicles, sprung mass, All of these are important point that Mr. Fu LinMan studied.

Process Advantages

Every product from COLORDO has its strict procedures of design and development:


2.Sales Department collects customers’ information and send these to technical team.

3.Domestic technical team check : Three-coordinate mapping and proofreading;
(Something we must tell you: this step is a top priority, it can't be omitted; the wheel products are not as simple as "like" or "unlike", only one identical-looking front of the wheel is useless, the key is the binding angle and  area of the rim and spoke; the relationship between the thickness of each part of the rim and the width and number of the spoke; the resonance relationship between the weight of the wheel and the whole vehicle in movement is crucial 

3.Mail the blueprint image to technical team in North American. Then they send  the forged wheel finite element analysis, proofreading, and simulation test back to China by email. (Something also need to be explained here: everyone knows that China established the first foundry wheel factory in 1988. The simulation software many domestic companies use today-the finite element analysis software, etc. are all for casting-------is casting, not forging; and this simulation software is expensive and still pirated. The pirated software has its missing and imperfects, the analyzed data is very inaccurate. But COLORDO does not dare to use pirated software, because we are people-oriented, life-oriented, so each drawing must be sent to the North American wheel design team to verify the production, to ensure the accuracy of the product) 

5、The domestic technical team receives related information, verifies and make final picture. (COLORDO does not dare to introduce the software into China, which would be overrun. Keep good things from copy and destroy ) (The key point is the development of China’s forging aluminum wheels is immature and mixed. Products can not be produced in batch and that would not receive effective tests. Small batch production won’ t do tests because the test cost is about 100, 000 RMB. The value of one or two sets of products can not give the wheel factory confidence to do tests, such as bending fatigue test, impact test and radial fatigue test.  

6. Customer places an order.
7. Manufacturing. 
8. Test. 
9. Storage. 
10. Delivery. 
COLORDO carries the dream of wheels people. Every employee of COLORDO does not let customers down, does every step carefully, produces every spokes, every wheel carefully.

COLORDO adheres to the people oriented production concept, safety comes out competitive products work style. COLORDO produces every wheel carefully.

Process Advantages

COLORDO has strong production and financial resources, and a single set of custom made can be shipped within 15 days.


欢迎来到南京库罗德车业有限公司网站,我公司位于文化底蕴厚重、历史遗存丰富的南京市。 具体地址是江苏南京浦口区星火路创业大厦,负责人是冯天其。
主要经营南京库罗德车业有限公司NanJing Colordo Vehicle Industry Co.,Ltd 位于有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称的南京市;南京地处中国东部地区,长江下游,濒江近海。“江南佳丽地,金陵帝王州”,南京拥有着6000多年文明史、近2600年建城史和近500年的建都史,是中国四大古都之一,是*文明的重要发祥地,长期是中国南方的政治、经济、文化中心,拥有厚重的文化底蕴。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。



  • 张季鹏(经理)






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