Akrometrix加热翘曲测量仪接口分析Interface Analysis
  • 所在区域:上海徐汇
  • 经营性质:有限责任公司
  • 企业类型:经销批发
  • 注册地:上海
  • 主营产品:smt生产设备,smt维修设备,smt检测设备,环境模拟设备,焊接材料,线缆切断剥皮
  • 注册资金:人民币 100 - 250 万元
  • 企业已认证
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公司编号: 13529780 更新时间: 2022-10-09 17:02:08


Akrometrix加热翘曲测量仪接口分析Interface Analysis

Akrometrix iawpwf_croppedsoftware:理解加热翘曲在两个配合表面之间

Akrometrix加热翘曲测量仪接口分析Interface Analysis
提供的任何250 + thermoiré系统使用遍布**电子供应链的今天,数据接口分析。引入*特的功能,如通/警告/故障图,和各种间隙和表面计信息,接口分析,让用户看到什么是发生在两个动态表面之间通过回流过程。

Akrometrix加热翘曲测量仪接口分析Interface Analysis应用包括SMT装配规划和故障诊断、失效分析、供应商的资质和比较,进行SPC,包装设计和有限元分析模型的验证两个重要应用领域

CORES 平面度测量/平整度测试/加热翘曲测量 
AXP-300x233/Convective-Module-Tower/CRE6 Module/CXP/DFP Module/DIC 2.0 Module/Digital Fringe Projection/Digital Image Correlation/Akrometrix Interface Analysis/Akrometrix Part Tracking/PS200S/PS600S/Real Time Analysis/Akrometrix Shadow Moiré/Akrometrix Studio Platform

Interface Analysis
IAwPWF_CroppedSoftware: Understanding Warpage Between Two Mating Surfaces

Surface-mount components warp during the reflow process, and the area where they attach also changes shape during assembly. This interface between components is where solder, paste, and gaps created due to thermal expansion combine to create ** good products, or defects such as Head-in-Pillow, Shorts, and Opens. Fully understanding that critical interface between surfaces is more important than ever.

While standard Akrometrix software allowed the analysis of an individual surface, such as a PCB or BGA, Interface Analysis is new software that enables 3D, 2D, and statistical review of a complete interface. Users can now visualize and quantify exactly how two surfaces will mate together. By combining this feature with the ability to measure surfaces at each temperature point during reflow, solder joint formation or failure can be predicted much more easily.

Interface Analysis works with data supplied by any of the 250+ TherMoiré systems in use throughout the worldwide Electronics supply chain today. Introducing unique features such as Pass/Warning/Fail maps, and various gap and surface gauge information, Interface Analysis lets users see what is happening between two dynamic surfaces through the reflow process. Applications include SMT Assembly Planning and Troubleshooting, Failure Analysis, Supplier Qualification and Comparison, Ongoing SPC, Package Design, and FEA Modeling Validation


Two Important Application Areas

Package-on-Package Design and Assembly

Many Technical Papers describe warpage as critical to PoP design
Thinner Devices lead to thinner PoP layers
Warpage of Top and Bottom ‘Attach’ Surfaces is Critical
Interface Analysis allows ‘easy’ shape comparison at all temperatures
User can set Limits and ‘see’ problem areas in PWF Maps
More Layers (such as with PoPi) make warpage more important
Package-to-PCB Design and Assembly

From Head-in-Pillow defect IPC technical paper:
“One of the major contributors to the supplier issues is the integrity of the BGA component. The main component integrity issue that contributes to head-in-pillow defects is component warpage during the product manufacturi

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主要经营smt生产设备 smt维修设备 smt检测设备 环境模拟设备 焊接材料 线缆切断剥皮。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。

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