Drilling fluid high speed decanter centrifuge for sale
  • 所在区域:陕西西安高陵区
  • 经营性质:股份有限公司
  • 企业类型:生产加工
  • 注册地:陕西省西安市未央区凤城一路
  • 主营产品:solidscontrol,drilling,shaleshaker,shakerscreen,oilrig
  • 注册资金:人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
    “Drilling fluid high speed decanter centrifuge for sale”详细信息
产品规格: APLW 产品数量: 500.00 台
包装说明: seaworthy 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 127 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-76607849.html


Decanter centrifuge is the 4th solids control equipment in whole drilling mud system It is used to process drilling mud discharged from desilter cones or mud cleaner

Decanter CentrifugeDecanter Centrifuge for sale
Separation point of decanter centrifuge is as fine as 2~7 microns. According to different rotation speed, there are high-speed and middle-speed centrifuges. It really plays an important role in lower mud density and bentonite recovery.

Features Of AIPU Decanter Centrifuge

1. Bowl Cylindrical and the Conical section made of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 by centrifugal casting. Other parts of the bowl assembly are made of stainless steel 316L.
2. Screw protection: Tungsten Carbide Tiles for longer life and easier replacement.
3. Screw flow distribution port and bowl solids discharge port protected by tungsten carbide alloy.
4. Easy to adjust liquid discharge weir height for flexible application.
5. Bowl assembly supported by the tighter belt for the protection of bearing in moving.
6. Pressurized EX Proof VFD control cabinet available.
7. Genuine SKF bearing for longer and reliable operation.
Decanter Centrifuge Technical Parameters

Model	APLW450×842N	APLW450×1000N	APGLW355×1258D-N	APGLW450×1258D-N	APGLW530×1320D-N
Drum Dia.	φ450mm	φ450mm	φ355mm	φ450mm	φ530mm
Drum Length	842mm	1000mm	1258mm	1258mm	1320mm
Lambda Ratio	1.9	2.2	3.5	2.8	2.5
Drum Shape	Conical
Speed	1800rpm	2200rpm	3200rpm	3000rpm	2800rpm
Main Motor	22Kw	30Kw	30Kw	37Kw	55Kw
Accessorial Motor	5.5Kw	7.5Kw	7.5Kw	11Kw	11Kw
Max. Capacity	40m3/h	50m3/h	35m3/h	60m3/h	65m3/h
Separation Point	5~7microns	2-5microns
Separation Factor	815G	1215G	2035G	2250G	1817G
Feeding Pump Power (KW)	4(submersible)	5.5(submersible)	7.5(submersible)
Dimension (mm)	2600×1550×1650	2750×1550×1700	2900×1480×1650	2900×1550×1650	3300×1700×1750
Weight	3000kg	3200kg	3000kg	3200kg	4000kg
How To Choose a Decanter Centrifuge

Mudflow: The flow rate is related to bowl size and rotation speed.
Industry: Use it in oil drilling, water drilling or HDD?
Depth: Drilling depth is another issue considered during selection. Usually, depth over 3500m, the high-speed one should be utilized.
Drilling fluid property: Viscosity, mud base, and so on. Kindly confirm the applicability from mud engineer or centrifuge supplier.
Function to achieve: Separation, or recycle?

欢迎来到陕西艾潽机械制造有限公司网站,我公司位于历史悠久,有着7000多年文明史,中国历史上建都朝代较多、时间较长、影响力较大的都城—西安。 具体地址是陕西西安高陵区泾园四路,联系人是Jessie。
主要经营solids control system. shale shaker, mud cleaner, centrifuges, cuttings dryer, centrifugal pump, degassers, mud agitator, mud tanks, and so on. drilling mud recycling equipment and system。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。



  • Jessie()





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