
  • 更新时间:2024-04-26 20:33
    所属行业:通信 通信设备配件 通信电源
  • 发货地址:山东济南历城区



    产品数量:100.00 台




  • 18366068668 孟祥贺
  • 留言数:9
  • 查看数:732
    相关产品: 华为APM30 华为APM30H 华为一体化机柜
山东格伦德电源科技有限公司 会员 7 年
  • 所在区域:山东济南历城区
  • 经营性质:外商独资企业
  • 企业类型:经销批发
  • 注册地:北京
  • 主营产品:华为通信电源,华为48v开关电源,华为电源柜
  • 企业已认证
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  • “华为APM30室外一体化机柜报价/参数”详细信息























Since last year, Shandong tower has focused on customer satisfaction, persisted in service driven and problem oriented, firmly believed in the inevitable logic of "having a position and having a good position", maintaining the strength of "going on the right side of the mountain", building up a complete and perfect customer centered service response system, through the whole process of service events. As well as effective communication with customers, the quality of customer service is promoted effectively and a good cooperative environment is created. In the survey of customer satisfaction in the year 2017, the average of 99.49 points in the three provinces and cities is evaluated in the first place in the country. Shandong Telecom sent the banner of "the Iron Army to set up a station quickly, such as electricity, tower and Qilu to run new business", expressing its affirmation and thanks to the rapid demand of Shandong tower. These not only reflect the client's high recognition of the service of the Shandong tower, but also reflect the accumulation and growth of the core capacity of the Shandong iron tower.

In order to create a win-win business cooperation relationship, the Shandong tower insists on carrying out "large service". The service concept and system covering the whole process of construction, maintenance, response and billing are established for the purpose of customer satisfaction. The service consciousness and service movements are embodied in every contact with the customer. On the one hand, we should constantly explore and improve the service mechanism in the process of service. Adhere to the "start from small things", really solve the demands of customer concerns, to strengthen service docking and problem supervision, Shandong tower innovation information interaction model, for customer groups, the development of the online "Tower Service Bar" WeChat public number, "comprehensive commitment, Internet, visual supervision" of the service mechanism, direct The customers of the three level telecom enterprises in city and county, make a response to the time limit, establish the mechanism of complete collection of customer problems, special person follow up, timing feedback, resource support, automatic upgrade, and close loop management of customer evaluation. "Tower Service Bar" has been registered for more than half a year, with a total of 1253 registered customers, covering basically three telecom enterprises at all levels in the province. Weihai tower will be the "Tower Service Bar" promotion into the daily docking, customer manager point to the point to explain the door, train customer use habits, to achieve the online collection and feedback of customer problems. "Tower Service Bar" provides 7 x 24 hours online service. Customers can initiate electronic work orders at any time, receive the progress of work orders in real time, do business information, and can also grade and evaluate like Taobao shopping. If the customer is not satisfied with the evaluation, the problem will be automatically upgraded. It will be included in the main issue of the general manager office of the provincial and municipal companies. It is supervised by the conference research and the customer service commissioner follows up the supervision. "Everything is answered and the pieces are implemented". Up to now, "Tower Service Bar" has received 1414 customer problems, and the problem resolution rate has reached 97%. Linyi iron tower constantly innovating service mechanism, setting up special service bonus, making real service commissioner return visit, extending service consultation system to district and county, strengthening the consciousness of active service, enhancing service ability, improving customer perception, receiving 12 letter of thanks letter at all levels of customers all year. At the same time, through the statistics of the service single data, the analysis of the worksheet samples is carried out by the large data thinking, and the whole process of "keeping pulse" service is used to locate the weak link and to trace the problem to the source. The internal management mechanism and the process are improved and optimized.

On the other hand, it is our responsibility to promote the industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency. In the past three years, the Shandong tower has accumulated 82 thousand customers' needs, which is equal to 80% of the total construction of the province's mobile communication development in 30 years. It has strongly supported the rapid layout of the 4G network in the province and the development of its scale. Among them, through sharing to meet the needs of 63 thousand, reduce redundant construction 39 thousand, save nearly 7 billion yuan investment, greatly reducing the construction cost of the industry. Through the expansion of sharing and professional management, the rental cost of the tower can be saved nearly 1 billion yuan per year for the customers, and the cost of maintenance and electricity management can be saved, which greatly reduces the operation cost of the industry. The next step, Shandong tower will be in the overall strengthening of fine management, adhere to the active and efficient service industry customers, to extend service results to expanding business customers, to provide high quality and exclusive service for all customers, to promote the development of service, help the company to upgrade and upgrade the leap forward development.




Recently, in order to carry out the nineteen major party's spirit of improving the information infrastructure network, building a network power, digital China, and intelligent society, the Wulanchabu people's Government Office issued a "Circular on the support of open social resources to carry out the construction of communication infrastructure" (Wuzheng (2018) 19). It provides strong support for the tower company in obtaining social resources and coordinating the construction of communication base stations.

The detailed work requirements are made from five aspects: the special planning of communication infrastructure, strengthening the site planning of the mobile communication iron tower site, the special planning of the communication base station, strengthening the planning and management, and strengthening the five aspects of the communication facilities, such as the site of the tower.

At the same time, the documents also put forward clear suggestions on the security measures for the municipal development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Commission of information, the Municipal Planning Bureau, the Municipal Construction Committee, the Municipal Bureau of land, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of electricity industry, the Municipal Transportation Bureau and the three communications operators. It will lay a foundation for the transformation and upgrading of the tower company and the acquisition of social resources.

















The notice requires that by 2020, a perfect battery recycling system should be established to form a batch of advanced demonstration projects, a batch of benchmarking enterprises, a batch of key technologies and a batch of technical standards. The main content of the notice is to implement the extension system of producer responsibility, to build a recycling system, to explore the diversified business model, to promote the scale and intelligence of the cascade utilization, to promote the innovation and application of advanced technology, and to establish a perfect policy incentive mechanism.

It is worth mentioning that the Chinese tower has become a pilot enterprise. "The notice" said, "support the China iron tower company and other enterprises to combine the regional pilot work, give full play to the advantages of the enterprise, and carry out the construction of the demonstration project of the power battery cascade utilization".

Since last year, the Chinese tower has been actively carrying out its social responsibilities, exploring the recycling of electric vehicle decommissioned power batteries, and helping to build an ecological civilization society. At present, the China iron tower energy innovation center has completed the preparation and report of the pilot program for the recovery and utilization of power batteries for new energy vehicles, and is fully carrying out the research and implementation of the power battery cascade utilization.

The recycling of electric batteries for electric vehicles is imminent

Since 2013, China's new energy vehicle has developed rapidly. As of 2017, the number of new energy vehicles in China has reached more than 160 vehicles.  According to the service life of the new energy vehicle battery 5~8, some new energy vehicles now face the problem of battery recovery.

China Automotive Technology Research Center data show that in 2020, only domestic pure electric commercial vehicles and use of decommissioned battery capacity will be 17 million 370 thousand KWh and 6 million 840 thousand KWh, the total will be 24 million 210 thousand KWh into the ladder market. After 2020, this value will rise to 77 million 860 thousand KWh.

Statistics show that in 2016, less than 10 thousand tons of new energy vehicles entered the dismantling process in China, and more than 80% of the recycled batteries were detained in the car enterprises, which not only hidden environmental pollution and safety risks, but also were not conducive to the utilization of resources.

China Tower has already carried out battery recovery for electric vehicles.

In fact, before the announcement of the notice had been issued by the state, the Chinese tower has launched an action on the recovery and utilization of electric vehicle battery.

Since October 2015, the tower has been built in 9 provinces in Fujian, Guangdong, Henan, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Sichuan, Zhejiang and Tianjin, and a total of 57 battery recycling stations have been built, covering various types of application conditions.

In November last year, the China Tower online business platform issued a message that it will expand the long-term and stable strategic partner channels for the society, and purchase a large number of electric vehicles and B power batteries.

In January 4th of this year, China iron tower in Beijing and Chongqing Changan, BYD, silver long new energy, Watts, national Xuan Gao, Thornton new energy, and other 16 enterprises, held a new energy vehicle power battery recycling and utilization strategic partnership agreement signing ceremony.

Or will be a big battery for future power batteries

The data show that the tower of China has nearly 2 million towers in the country, the electricity needs about 44 million kWh, 600 thousand peaving peak filling stations need about 44 million kWh batteries, and 500 thousand new energy stations require about 48 million kWh batteries. The total number of batteries is about 136 million kWh.

In addition, in the 6 year replacement cycle of the storage battery, the battery needs about 22 million 600 thousand kWh per year; 100 thousand new base stations are calculated annually, and the additional batteries are expected to be about 2 million 400 thousand kWh. The total battery needs about 25 million kWh per year.

This demand will undoubtedly make the tower a big battery for recycling, but the purchase price will be a huge problem between China's iron towers and electric vehicles. Due to factors such as price and service life, most of the towers are still lead-acid batteries. This also means that the power battery recovery price provided by China's tower will be very low. However, with the signing of the Chinese tower and 16 car companies, perhaps the Chinese tower and the car companies have agreed on the price and the way of recycling. In particular, the announcement of the "notice" will enable China's tower to move on the fast lane of power battery recycling.



  • 孟祥贺(经理)





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