  • 所在区域:山东济南历城区
  • 经营性质:
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  • 注册地:
  • 主营产品:济南大巴车租赁,汽车租赁,济南客车租赁,济南租车
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产品规格: 槐荫区大巴车出租哪里有 产品数量: 45656456.00 台
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查看人数: 229 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-91262774.html


In the winter, the fuel consumption of the car must be higher than that of other times, because the amount of fuel in the winter is higher than that of other seasons. That is, the temperature has caused a decline in the thermal efficiency of gasoline. The heat released from the burning of gasoline was divided into three parts: about 1 / 3 of the heat converted to work; 1 / 3 was taken away by the cooling water; and 1 / 3 were released when the exhaust was discharged. That is to say, the useful thermal efficiency of the gasoline engine is about 30%.
In winter, because the oil viscosity is high and the engine body temperature is low, the fuel atomization is poor, the appropriate part of the fuel is discharged without burning, and it is not converted to useful energy. The engine is necessary to add fuel injection quantity to ensure the original output power.
The hot air in the car leads to the rated power of the engine. The hot air will not launch the air conditioning compressor, only the hot air on the engine water tank is sent to the driver's cab, so that the room is heated up. On the surface, many people feel that the heat does not need to happen, nor does it have rated energy consumption or fuel consumption. In fact, the heat of the engine water tank can really make the cab warmer, but if the heat is lacking, the engine can not reach the set temperature, the engine will be rated to do more energy to produce more heat, so that the temperature of the cab should be supplied, then the fuel consumption is rated. In addition, when the hot car just started the vehicle, although the water temperature is normal, but the heat has not been plentiful. If the hot air is opened immediately, the engine will be forced to do work passively, and the rated fuel consumption will be added as well. In addition, the winter rain and snow roads are slippery, the road conditions are bad, and the time of hot cars is too long. It is advocated that owners should pay more attention to the habit of keeping cars and cars.

欢迎来到济南弘玺源商贸有限公司网站,我公司位于泉水众多,素有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”美誉的济南市。 具体地址是山东济南历城区济南市历城区大桥路263号902室,联系人是韩经理。
主要经营济南弘玺源客运租赁有限公司根据客户不同需求提供服务,满足客户为企事业单位、院校及个人既定线路的商务租车 考察、参观、会议、展览等包车业务。机场接送、个人、承接省内外旅游包车、单位班车的日租、月租、年租汽车租赁业务。。



  • 韩经理(经理)







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